Welcome guys,
in this post I will tell uh About ORACLE DATABASE
Well Lets Talk About DATABASE First,
"Database is nothing but its a organized collection of inter-related data". For Ex. University database stores data related to students,courses,faculty etc , a bank database stores data related to customers,transactions etc.
"Its a software that is introduced in 1970s which is used to Create & Manage Database (by performing operations )".
DBMS are categorized into following category -
- HDBMS - Hierarchical Database Management System
- NDBMS - Network Database Management System
- RDBMS - Relational Database Management System
- ORDBMS - Object Relational Database Management System
- OODBMS - Object Oriented Database Management System
well we are working on RDBMS now so,
i) RDBMS :-
1.Its Introduced by E.F.Codd.
2.Introduced 12 Rules called Codd rules.
3.Interesting thing is that ORACLE supports 98% of Codd rules.
4.Codd rules Contains two part A&B but ORACLE support only 1.
These are the Rules :-
1. Information Rule
2. Guaranteed Access Rule
3. Systematic Treatment of NULL values
4. Active Online Catalog
5. Comprehensive Data Sub-Language Rule
6. View Updating Rule
7. High-Level Insert,Update and Delete Rule
8. Physical Data Independence
9. Logical Data Independence
10. Integrity Independence
11. Distribution Independence
12. Non-Subversion Rule
so these was the rules ,well i will describe it on another post
now talking about some rules -
1. So according to rule Data must be Organized in tables (i.e Rows and Columns ) -
DB = Collection of Tables
TABLE = Collection of Rows and Columns
ROWS = Set of Field Values
COLUMNS = Data Definition
2. A table must contains a Primary Key or uniquely identify records -
In This Table , a table is uniquely identified by a Eno ,
so Eno is Primary Key.
3. One table related to Another table by using Foreign Key.
here is a table name is Department and here D_id is a Primary key ,
so if u want to create another table related to this table than this primary key will be a Foreign key.
So this is a primary key.
Thanks Guyz,
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Title :
ORACLE : Introduction of DATA , DATABSE & DBMS
Description : Welcome guys, in this post I will tell uh About ORACLE DATABASE so, Well Lets Talk About DATABASE First, " Data...
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